I am always looking for unique faces! Send me your model application to: sabina@globalmodelscouting.com
To be continued…
with love,
chapter 20 – A way to say who you are without having to speak.
Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic. ♥
Fashion by SmileyVintage. Model: Ida Lantz.
Photographs by me.
Where did she come from? I think this is a proof of that fairytales do come true. No words are enough to describe the beauty of the Ulyana Sergenko Fall Collection A/W 2011. It is true. Fairytales do exist in reality too, not just in books & movies. Here are my favorites:
I love the length of the skirts & the with.
Look at the red buttons!
Ulyana is what the fashion world has been missing. Until now. <3
It would be a dream to photograph for her, somewhere. Someday. <3
See more pictures from the collection, here.