I found this & fell in love.


The photo above is the first Vogue cover, Countess Divonne by Harry McVickar, 1893.

ca 1867 , author unknown.

ca.1874. unknown. (I could not find the author). 

Music sheet cover for The Orange Blossom, ca 1850

Music sheet cover for The Orange Blossom, ca 1850.

Disappointment  Julius LeBlanc Stewart  1882

Disappointment by Julius LeBlanc Stewart,1882.

Annie Londonderry.

This photography shows Annie Londonderry. She became one of the most celebrated women of the 1890s. Her amazing trip was reportedly set in motion by a wager that required Annie not only to circle the earth by bicycle in 15 months, but also to earn $5,000 en route as well. This was no mere test of a woman’s physical endurance & mental fortitude; it was a test of a woman’s ability to fend for herself in the world. I really love biking soo this old photograph is really inspiring. 

Lewis Carroll c. 1863

Lewis Carroll ca. 1863.

Girl With a Rose by Gustave Leonard de Jonghe, 1870’s-80’s

Girl With a Rose by Gustave Leonard de Jonghe, 1870.

Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione 1837-99 (La Castiglione.) She was the mistress of Emperor Napoleon III and the one of the earliest known “models.”

Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione 1837-99. She was the mistress of Emperor Napoleon III & one of the earliest known models.

Jules Lefebvre, Ophelia, 1890

Jules LefebvreOphelia, 1890.

William McFarlane Notman, Great cedar tree, Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, 1897

William McFarlane Notman, Great cedar tree, Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, 1897.

I am so happy even if my life is a bit confused right now I am discovering what I really love & I will do my best to make everything around me beautiful again. <3  


sabina tabakovic

Springtime is here.


lugn & lycklig om natten.

selfportrits & photographs by me .

everlasting beautiful

ska försöka få den ren.

blommorna i mitt hår

Jag fann min magiska handske i sergelstorg-rondellen överkörd & mosad efter tre timmars äventyrligt letande. Jag blev så lycklig! Ibland lönar det sig att vara lite galen & leta efter något hur små oddsen än är att man kan hitta det! (::

kram från mig.  första inlägget via mobilen.

kärlek! ♥ Sabina Tabakovic

Min allra bästa vän.

Trees of love.

wonderland with you

This is my best friend Paulina! She is amazing. We walked under beautiful cherry trees together talking about love, life & dreams we have. I took couple of photos of her, it was so crowded & we decided to come back another day. I got a spontaneous idea were we could go. I took her to one of my favorite places & we made some pictures together with flowers in her hair! I love spontaneous creativity. I will reveal were I took her & show you the pictures in my blog pretty soon!

I hope you had a great day too!! <3


sabina tabakovic

New photographs by me.

mina prinsessor
Förr förra söndagen lärde jag känna Lotta & Karin, dom har varit bästa vänner i över tio år. Medan vi satt & åt frukost så kom det två små flickor förbi med sina hundar, dom var också bästa vänner & jag blev genast inspirerad att på något vis fånga den kärlek jag bemöttes utav. Allt ledde till en spontan fotografering uppe på vinden. 

Idag är det söndag igen, min favorit dag på hela veckan! Åker ut till slottet snart, måste bara packa lite, för jag ska sova över där för första gången i mitt liv! Jag tror jag har hittat min fristad. 

See more here: www.sabinatabakovic.com


sabina tabakovic

Amanda. ♥

Amanda ~ ♥

I miss you.

Photographs by me: Sabina Tabakovic

Beautiful dresses by Smileyvintage 

Model: Beautiful Amanda.

ps. jag är fylld av konstiga olika känslor alla på en & samma gång, men mest kärlek & magiska krafter typ  ~ som tar över varje normal tanke. 

Remember whoever is reading this – you are NEVER alone, you always have your beautiful heart to listen to & I’m always here if there’s anything I can do.

 sabina tabakovic

Something true withh you, 2010.