with love,
Selfportrait by me in my tiny little apartment.
2012-08-14 at 00.00
Svako im nekog koga vise nema.
Sabina Tabaković
I met my friend Lulu the other day, we were biking in Hagaparken & we ate chocolate icecream & of course I took photos of her! Her black beautiful long hair has a story to tell. ♥
Photograph by me.
with love,
chapter 35 ~ Not everyone has someone.
Visa din sorg, skyl ej ditt vemod. Ingen klandrar solen för att den vissa dagar inte syns.
Om nuet & det enda jag hör just nu:
Skogen, ängarna, bergen & älven sjuder & ljuder av sång. Lyssna!
Model & friend: Karin. <3
with love,
Keep dreaming.
Photographs by me. Models: Julia & Sanna & tvillingarna som jag kallar för solstrålarna! ::)
with love,
Photographs by me.
Med natten i ögonen & kallt regn längs din kind. Du lever. I alla världar.
Have you ever lost someone that meant the world to you? I have.
Good night & good morning.
The first two pictures are from my first night at the castle with my new friend Karin (she is such a wonderful woman). The last three pictures are self-portraits on a sunny sunday morning at the cemetery.
I dag glittrade skuggan starkare än solen. Hoppas jag lever nästa sommar också! Denna är jag inte redo.
Jag slutar att andas. Varannan sekund.
Att leva på minnen.
Själslig svältkost…
with love,
Photograhs by Sabina Tabakovic.
Innanför alla lager finns evigheten.
Livet, människor, jorden, universum.
Alla våra kroppar kommer en dag sluta fungera.
Jag vill tro att själen är evig. Kärleken.
Lite magiskt ändå när man tänker på
hur märkligt allt är.
with love,
This is my best friend Paulina! She is amazing. We walked under beautiful cherry trees together talking about love, life & dreams we have. I took couple of photos of her, it was so crowded & we decided to come back another day. I got a spontaneous idea were we could go. I took her to one of my favorite places & we made some pictures together with flowers in her hair! I love spontaneous creativity. I will reveal were I took her & show you the pictures in my blog pretty soon!
I hope you had a great day too!! <3
Idag är det söndag igen, min favorit dag på hela veckan! Åker ut till slottet snart, måste bara packa lite, för jag ska sova över där för första gången i mitt liv! Jag tror jag har hittat min fristad.
See more here: www.sabinatabakovic.com
Tänker på livet lite extra mycket igår & idag. Pratade med min mor i telefon alldeles nyss. Hon sa ”ett år betyder ibland inte mer än 60 sekunder bara för att det är ett helt år. Ibland kan en minut påverka allt!”
Jag vet vad hon menar med detta & jag önskar att mina & dina minuter blir ännu fler av sådana stunder!!
Ibland är en minut den viktigaste stunden i ditt liv. En kyss, en gåva, en kram, en blick, ett minne, den lilla stunden som man kan leva på ett helt liv. Den stunden kanske bara tog en minut men varade sen en hel livstid. åhh!! Jag längtar efter ljusare tider, känner i hjärtat att dom är på väg.
Igår fick jag ett brev av min brorson & den stunden då jag upptäckte att han hade målat & gjort ett hjärta av vackra pärlor till mig gjorde mig så himla lycklig! Jag blev så glad att tårarna började rinna! Har även köpt videung för att jag älskar hur dom känns.
I got a letter from my favorite boy. ♥
My nephew is 2 years old & he loves me so much he made me a heart-shaped neckless & it made me so happy. I think this is my new favorite necklace! I love him more than anything. He calls me ”Bina” & likes my pictures I made for my mom. She has a couple on her walls at home & everytime he sees them he points at them & says ”that is Bina”! This joy he gives me makes everything else feel better! I love you Vincent!
I believe that the best things in life are always the simple things. Things in life that you cannot buy. Things that are free. Like true inner happiness, love & family.
I am thinking about life a lot lately how minutes can change our lives forever. One whole year & nothing but then comes that one minute of everything! One minute of complete happiness.
What was the best thing with your day?
Chapter 3 – What you feel is more important than what you see.
(Photo: Sabina Tabakovic)
Close your eyes & if you are sad listen to music you love, it will help!
I listen to music every day. Depending on my mood I choose different artists. This evening I have been listening too this great song called ”Freaks” by Singapore Sling (a lot) but also to ”Go you own way” by Fleetwood Mac, all songs by Rue Royal & the best songs by Bruce Springsteen & my favorite of course –> Dustin O’Halloran & Adam Hurst! Sometimes I search for new songs by deciding the title my self. Few minutes ago I searched for ”Never give up”.. & found this unreleased song by Whitney Houston. I love the message & the song too! After listening to it more than once I started to like it even more, it reminds me of my mother & her strenght! I chose some of my favorite lines from the song for you to read.
” Till you get it right, tell them you will never quit
tell them you will never quit until they day you get it right
Never never give up
even though some days you’ll have to cry
shake it off and know that everything will be alright
as long as you never never give up, never never give up
even when the people round you don’t believe
but in the twelfth round, when you’re against the ropes,
here comes your last minute miracle,
you’ve got to know to never never give up
no matter how many times, somebody tells you it ain’t working
never never give up
hold your head to the sky, look them right in the eyes
tell you will never quit until the day you get it right
the sky is the limit, for whatever you want to do
don’t let anyone tell you, it ain’t possible
no matter how low you feel, keep going higher
see I’ve been holding on, to my dreams too long
to watch it get away from me
and I promise you that
I will never never give up. ”
Sabina Tabakovic
chapter 20 – A way to say who you are without having to speak.
Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic. ♥
Fashion by SmileyVintage. Model: Ida Lantz.
Photographs by me.
chapter 3 – Until your dreams come true.
Photographs by Sabina Tabaković
Keep believing
I wish
for your dreams
that they be of love
& that your heart someday
have something far more real
& far more beautiful
than your dreams….