I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.

Selfportrait story, 2013.
Selfportraits by  Sabina Tabakovic.

( I’m preparing for a polaroid project that will be called Silent Wild. )

polaroid selfportrait _ sabina tabakovic








my story


Sabina Tabakovic

Vi trodde att vi hade evigheten.

Foto: Sabina Tabakovic
Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic. Model: Natasa Ilic


foto: sabina tabakovic

Känner mig avklädd.

Kommer hem till min lägenhet & faller ihop.

Det är alltid något osynligt som jag känner så starkt.

Hur tog ödet kärlekens plats?


Sabina Tabakovic

A heart of spring.

making a lonely day beautiful.

I have a new dress from the 50’s. It’s a wedding dress & I found it here.

before the beginning by Sabina Tabakovic

one of those days by Sabina Tabakovic


seems so long ago by Sabina Tabakovic

make the good things last..

lonely & dreaming.

do you realize... by Sabina Tabakovic

such long time by Sabina Tabakovic

from day to day by Sabina Tabakovic

Photographs by me.

I got these beautiful carpets from someone who knows what I like , thank you.

 Take cares.


sabina tabakovic

Känslor, hjärta, själ.

Sabina Tabakovic. Diary.

Photo: Sabina Tabakovic , 2013. 

När tröttheten satt ett lock

över den du är

en själ

en kropp

ett hjärta

jag vill resa mig

luften känns tung som bly

sex timmar senare står jag upp igen

& börjar om från början

Välkommen nya dag. 


Sabina Tabakovic

Don’t wake me up. I’m dreaming about my angel. ♥

Photo: Sabina Tabakovic

Åh jag andas in det förflutna ännu en söndag. 

Första bilden tog jag i somras när jag hade på mig mitt finaste nattlinne som går ända nedför tårna. Fotona här nedan är från idag. Det kanske ser varmt ut, men jag har varit väldigt frusen.   

good morning sadness

All photographs taken by me 13/1-2013. It’s sunday! 

How did you make me go this far.

Living in the past. I will maybe need to change that soon. But just a little bit longer, just a little bit more.

Every single day..

Sunday is still my favorite day!

with love,

Sabina Tabakovic

Vinter glitter flickan.

Foto: Sabina Tabakovic

 Chapter 1 –  If we meet again we shall listen to our hearts & never let go.

Photographs by me

Photo by Sabina Tabakovic

Photo by Sabina Tabakovic

Joy & sorrow are inseparable. Together they come & when one sits alone with you at your board remember that the other is asleep upon your bed. No matter how hard life gets don’t loose faith in your self & others. Everyone has a story to tell. Close your eyes & listen.

Bigger view of the third picture can be found here. 

2013 is here.

Thinking about few simple things everyone can do to make the world a better place. If we all did just one thing every day, we could begin to make a positive difference worldwide. Find something you’re good at & use it to help someone else. Tell someone you love them! If you see a piece of trash on the ground, pick it up. Boost the morale of someone close to you by telling them what you love about them. Wave to your neighbors. Dance with someone. Be there for someone. Listen to their troubles. Care about people. Grow some of your own vegetables. Love your self! On a hot day, buy someone something cold to drink– on a cold day, get them something warm! Connect like minds, recommend people to friends who might appreciate their services. Put a spotlight on someone else’s talent. Drive less & try to limit your water usage. Be generous by simply stop & listen for the answer when you ask a friend how they’re doing. Be kind & enjoy the simple things in life, always. Plant flowers. Look into other peoples eyes more often. Words are sometimes overrated, so enjoy the silence even with others. Listen to your heart & never stop dreaming, please! I wish you all a beautiful new year. It’s never to late to be what you might have been. 

I would like to share this poem with you. Read & breathe!

“Let there be spaces in your togetherness. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love. Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone.Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.And stand together, yet not too near together. For the pillars of the temple stand apart. And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.” 

(this poem was written by Kahlil Gibran


Sabina Tabakovic

And after all this time.

only one more day.....

Sprang runt på kungliga operan barfota i min slitna prinsess klänning. Stativet ramlade sekunden efter att första bilden togs men min kamera hann landa i mina armar! ♥

Jag gör självporträtt för det är så jag lever mitt liv just nu. ganska ensamt. ibland.

Alla fotografier tagna av mig, Sabina Tabakovic. 

selfportrait by Sabina Tabakovic

selfportrait by Sabina Tabakovic

selfportrait by Sabina Tabakovic

selfportrait by Sabina Tabakovic

I wish you a beautiful weekend!

I will read poetry & spend some time in the forrest.

What will you do?


sabina tabakovic

There is not a moment in the present that is not influenced by the past.

love over time

lonely & dreaming.

Fallen Bloom, 2012.

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

Hagaparken, Stockholm, Sweden. Last days of summer with San.

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic.

Model: San Melle San from France.

with love,

Sabina Tabakovic

There is a beautiful world and its in this one!

Tills döden skiljer oss åt.
Photographs by Sabina Tabaković.

Models: Julia Frej Sanna Messo. 

 Den sanna vänskapen kan läka den mest plågade själen.

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Att ha en vän man älskar & litar på kan bota de största smärtor. Jag önskar att alla människor i hela världen hade en sådan vän! <3 

Love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

Om villkorslös kärlek & vänskap

Tillsammans blev drömmarna perfekta

Sorgen mildare

Kärleken starkare

Skönheten vackrare

Dom hade äntligen hittat hem


with love,

Sabina Tabakovic

Magic sisters.

Magic sisters & the forbidden secrets.

The Magic sisters loved each other so much they forgot about reality.

Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic.  Models: Sanna Messo & Julia Frej.

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

This is a story about loss, pain & everlasting friendship!

with love,

Sabina Tabakovic

Lulu & den vita hjärtformade ballongen, 2012! ♥

Lulu, 2012
 För Lagom SS13, Fashionweek 2012. 
Visningen Lagom var verkligen en av mina favoriter i år! Jag hann dock inte gå på så många visningar pga personliga skäl men jag är så glad att jag hann med Lagom! <3 Jag är så förtjust i deras färgglada kläder & Lulu var såklart den som hade längst flätor av alla! Utan löshår!! <3  All photographs by me. 

lagom , 2012
lagom , 2012
lagom 2012
Lagom , 2012
lagom , 2012

You can see more of the brand ”Lagom”  here I really enjoyed to shoot for them, all the happy colors made me smile! <3  Lulu had the longest braids of course! No extensions! I am really inspired by colors, long hair & braids, so I’m very glad I had time to shoot for Lagom at Fashionweek in Stockholm!   

with love, Sabina Tabakovic

För att det som inte är sant ändå kan såra.

Photo by Sabina Tabakovic

Man behöver inte bli omtyckt av alla för att vara en god människa. Man behöver fokusera på det inre mer än det yttre. Hur viktigt är ett perfekt yttre när insidan håller på att slås sönder i bitar? Vi borstar tänderna varje morgon, vi borde även borsta själen & fylla den med kärlek & ro. Livet är ingen tävling. I alla fall inte för mig.

What is everything if I’m not with you?

Not everyone has someone /Sabina 

chapter 35 ~ Not everyone has someone. 

Love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Visa din sorg, skyl ej ditt vemod. Ingen klandrar solen för att den vissa dagar inte syns.

Om nuet & det enda jag hör just nu:

Skogen, ängarna, bergen & älven sjuder & ljuder av sång. Lyssna! 

Model & friend: Karin. <3

with love,

sabina tabakovic