Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic.
Category: princesses and ghosts
How to survive the darkness.
All photographs by Sabina Tabakovic.This is how. You will always have beautiful eyes.
Be kind, be strong but cry when you need to. Believe me when I say you deserve the most beautiful life without the pain that kills you. Start to love yourself again. You have a beautiful heart, did you forget about that? What about your dreams? If you can’t remember your old ones, create a new dream. And when it comes to me I will keep creating pictures as long as I can breathe.
Photo: Sabina Tabakovic.
Models: My friend San MelleSan & Lulu.
Systrarna Lejonhjärta.

Photo: Sabina Tabakovic.
Elizabeth & Victoria.
Ordet magi räcker inte till för att beskriva hur det känns i deras närvaro.
Det är något alldeles extra med systrarna Lejonhjärta.
Fler bilder kommer snart! <3
Sabina Tabakovic
Saving all my love for you.
Diary-self-portrait by Sabina Tabakovic
Kände starkt en smärtsam saknad som ett hugg i hjärtat samma sekund som vi skiljdes åt. Som om jag visste att du vände dig om & aldrig mer skulle komma tillbaka.
My hidden identity is sorrow.
Då , nu & för alltid.
Kämpade men sorgen finns för alltid kvar. Älskade men fortsätter att gå vilse. Klädde mig fint & log men tårarna rann. Ville inte vara ledsen men det är min dolda identitet.
with love,
Sabina Tabakovic
Summer diary, 2013

Chapter One, 2013 : ” She daily fades away. Like the hedge rose that is broken in the heat of the day.”
So she went into the woods because she wanted to live deep & suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life; And not, when she came to die, discover that she had not lived.
A voice inside her head came quietly. Listen, here: ”You must give life a second chance over & over again. You will never fade away completely.You will be the sun they see in the middle of the darkness. You will be summer-sparkle in every beautiful ocean & sea. You will be everything except nothing. ”
Sabina Tabakovic
Everlasting is invisible.
Från första söndagen med systrarna Lejonhjärta.
Du är min favorit stjärna på himlen.
Det finns så mycket mer att säga men det är inget någon annan kan förstå?
with love,
Sabina Tabakovic
I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.

( I’m preparing for a polaroid project that will be called Silent Wild. )
Sabina Tabakovic
Känslor, hjärta, själ.

Photo: Sabina Tabakovic , 2013.
När tröttheten satt ett lock
över den du är
en själ
en kropp
ett hjärta
jag vill resa mig
luften känns tung som bly
sex timmar senare står jag upp igen
& börjar om från början
Välkommen nya dag.
Sabina Tabakovic
Vinter glitter flickan.

Chapter 1 – If we meet again we shall listen to our hearts & never let go.
Photographs by me.
Joy & sorrow are inseparable. Together they come & when one sits alone with you at your board remember that the other is asleep upon your bed. No matter how hard life gets don’t loose faith in your self & others. Everyone has a story to tell. Close your eyes & listen.
Bigger view of the third picture can be found here.
2013 is here.
Thinking about few simple things everyone can do to make the world a better place. If we all did just one thing every day, we could begin to make a positive difference worldwide. Find something you’re good at & use it to help someone else. Tell someone you love them! If you see a piece of trash on the ground, pick it up. Boost the morale of someone close to you by telling them what you love about them. Wave to your neighbors. Dance with someone. Be there for someone. Listen to their troubles. Care about people. Grow some of your own vegetables. Love your self! On a hot day, buy someone something cold to drink– on a cold day, get them something warm! Connect like minds, recommend people to friends who might appreciate their services. Put a spotlight on someone else’s talent. Drive less & try to limit your water usage. Be generous by simply stop & listen for the answer when you ask a friend how they’re doing. Be kind & enjoy the simple things in life, always. Plant flowers. Look into other peoples eyes more often. Words are sometimes overrated, so enjoy the silence even with others. Listen to your heart & never stop dreaming, please! I wish you all a beautiful new year. It’s never to late to be what you might have been.
I would like to share this poem with you. Read & breathe!
“Let there be spaces in your togetherness. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love. Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone.Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.And stand together, yet not too near together. For the pillars of the temple stand apart. And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.”
(this poem was written by Kahlil Gibran)
Sabina Tabakovic
There is not a moment in the present that is not influenced by the past.

Fallen Bloom, 2012.
Hagaparken, Stockholm, Sweden. Last days of summer with San.
Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic.
Model: San Melle San from France.
with love,
Sabina Tabakovic
There is a beautiful world and its in this one!

Models: Julia Frej & Sanna Messo.
Den sanna vänskapen kan läka den mest plågade själen.
Att ha en vän man älskar & litar på kan bota de största smärtor. Jag önskar att alla människor i hela världen hade en sådan vän! <3
Om villkorslös kärlek & vänskap
Tillsammans blev drömmarna perfekta
Sorgen mildare
Kärleken starkare
Skönheten vackrare
Dom hade äntligen hittat hem
with love,
Sabina Tabakovic
Magic sisters.

The Magic sisters loved each other so much they forgot about reality.
Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic. Models: Sanna Messo & Julia Frej.
This is a story about loss, pain & everlasting friendship!
with love,
Sabina Tabakovic
The unfading dream about love.

Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic, 2012.
Hearts with equal love combined. <3
This was a spontaneous shoot one early sunny day in March.
I met these amazing women for the first time & the two interesting children came by just to say hello to us. We ate breakfast together & I felt so inspired!
We dressed up in what we could find & we were playing together for a while in my favorite room! Then I took some photographs of our moment together. This is the first part!
”This mystic meeting gives my heart a glow.
That few have seen & only we will know.”
Sabina Tabakovic
Summer sadness.
Photographs by me in my apartment, 2012. Model: Lulu.
Vad vore lycka utan sorg.
with love,