Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic.
chapter 8 – I hope that we will be together in our next life.
I took self-portraits together with my sister! ♥
a song from me to you.
chapter 4 – We looked at each other for the last time, but we did not know.
Photographs by Sabina Tabaković
This spontaneous shoot took place at svartsjöslott earlier this summer.
By posting these pictures
this late night
when I feel most awake
(2:07 am)
I’m sharing a very important part
of my life
where my heart is …
If you find true love don’t let go, I did!
chapter 3 – Until your dreams come true.
Photographs by Sabina Tabaković
Keep believing
I wish
for your dreams
that they be of love
& that your heart someday
have something far more real
& far more beautiful
than your dreams….
chapter 2 – Nothing else matters.
it lives,it loves
I can’t seem to loosen my grip
on the past
a part of me already died
trying so hard to let go…
Here is a song I’m listening to right now while uploading this to you.
Never give up !
Where did she come from? I think this is a proof of that fairytales do come true. No words are enough to describe the beauty of the Ulyana Sergenko Fall Collection A/W 2011. It is true. Fairytales do exist in reality too, not just in books & movies. Here are my favorites:
I love the length of the skirts & the with.
Look at the red buttons!
Ulyana is what the fashion world has been missing. Until now. <3
It would be a dream to photograph for her, somewhere. Someday. <3
See more pictures from the collection, here.
chapter 1 – About something very close to my heart.
I never knew how to say goodbye of things I love. Losing something that you can’t replace is painful but it doesn’t change the beauty of what you once had & the memory of it. Life has its magical moments. Enjoy them truly whenever they surprise you, be ready, use your wings & fly!!
Just thinking….
If you had ONE chance to go back in time & make a small or big moment in your life last forever , ask yourself what moment would that be! Feel free to share your moment with me & remember to always follow your heart.
Keep dreaming, I will.
Early morning shoot with Paulina, inspired by ophelia.
Where are we & why?
Stockholm/Sandasjön- a lake that reminded me of a beautiful memory.
Photographs by Sabina Tabaković