Swedish girls.

Portraits by Sabina Tabakovic
Sweden is overfilled with beautiful girls. I see them every day where ever I go.

Portraits by : Sabina Tabakovic.  

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

Be your own beautiful. 

ps. I hope you know that you all are beautiful & what matters the most is how you feel about yourself…Happiness is not about what you see in the mirror. Everyone can look beautiful but with a big personality you become magical! Just remember that. 

with love,

Sabina Tabakovic

There is not a moment in the present that is not influenced by the past.

love over time

lonely & dreaming.

Fallen Bloom, 2012.

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

Hagaparken, Stockholm, Sweden. Last days of summer with San.

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic.

Model: San Melle San from France.

with love,

Sabina Tabakovic

There is a beautiful world and its in this one!

Tills döden skiljer oss åt.
Photographs by Sabina Tabaković.

Models: Julia Frej Sanna Messo. 

 Den sanna vänskapen kan läka den mest plågade själen.

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Att ha en vän man älskar & litar på kan bota de största smärtor. Jag önskar att alla människor i hela världen hade en sådan vän! <3 

Love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

Om villkorslös kärlek & vänskap

Tillsammans blev drömmarna perfekta

Sorgen mildare

Kärleken starkare

Skönheten vackrare

Dom hade äntligen hittat hem


with love,

Sabina Tabakovic

Magic sisters.

Magic sisters & the forbidden secrets.

The Magic sisters loved each other so much they forgot about reality.

Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic.  Models: Sanna Messo & Julia Frej.

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

This is a story about loss, pain & everlasting friendship!

with love,

Sabina Tabakovic

Angel eyes.

portrait by Sabina Tabakovic
 Photograph by Sabina Tabakovic

Everything is written in the eye. Like stars in the universe I admire the story.

For a while I have been avoiding to shoot faces as much as I used to. I’ve used my photography more as my diary even while shooting others. Maybe I’ve been scared of something that is only in the eye to be seen.

Oh our secrets, soul & timeless beauty! We should look more into each other eyes. Even if we are strangers! Look deep & feel alive! 

Faces has a story to tell & I am ready to continue what made me start this whole thing. Beautiful eyes! It’s just something magical about them!

I am looking for someone new,different, with kind eyes to shoot & as you know I am in love with beautiful hair…

Email me: info@sabinatabakovic.com


Sabina Tabakovic

The unfading dream about love.

Goodnight reality.
 chapter 38 – Sometimes we dream about the same things! 

Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic, 2012. 

love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Hearts with equal love combined. <3 

love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Love over time by Sabina Tabakovic

This was a spontaneous shoot one early sunny day in March.

I met these amazing women for the first time & the two interesting children came by just to say hello to us. We ate breakfast together & I felt so inspired!

We dressed up in what we could find & we were playing together for a while in my favorite room! Then I took some photographs of our moment together. This is the first part!

”This mystic meeting gives my heart a glow.

That few have seen & only we will know.”


Sabina Tabakovic

Lulu & den vita hjärtformade ballongen, 2012! ♥

Lulu, 2012
 För Lagom SS13, Fashionweek 2012. 
Visningen Lagom var verkligen en av mina favoriter i år! Jag hann dock inte gå på så många visningar pga personliga skäl men jag är så glad att jag hann med Lagom! <3 Jag är så förtjust i deras färgglada kläder & Lulu var såklart den som hade längst flätor av alla! Utan löshår!! <3  All photographs by me. 

lagom , 2012
lagom , 2012
lagom 2012
Lagom , 2012
lagom , 2012

You can see more of the brand ”Lagom”  here I really enjoyed to shoot for them, all the happy colors made me smile! <3  Lulu had the longest braids of course! No extensions! I am really inspired by colors, long hair & braids, so I’m very glad I had time to shoot for Lagom at Fashionweek in Stockholm!   

with love, Sabina Tabakovic

Lagom SS13.

Fashion 2012
 Idag bröt jag foten & var med om en cykelolycka men innan dess hade jag en underbar dag!

Jag hann bland annat med att fotografera backstage på fashionweek! En av visningarna jag fotograferade för var klädmärket  ”Lagom”.

Här kommer en av killarna från Stockholmsgruppen som var så fin i flätor! Jag & min kamera älskar verkligen flätor, så det kändes perfekt när jag såg att Lagom hade gjort flätor på både killarna & tjejerna!l! <3

all photographs by: Sabina Tabakovic.

before the beginning by Sabina Tabakovic

before the beginning by Sabina Tabakovic

before the beginning by Sabina Tabakovic

before the beginning by Sabina Tabakovic

before the beginning by Sabina Tabakovic

Skägg & flätor! <3


Sabina Tabakovic

Glad midsommar! ♥

 Med solglitter & kärlek önskar jag er alla ett underbart midsommarfirande. Tiden flyger i väg. Ta vara på den väl. 

Keep dreaming. 

LOVE OVER TIME by Sabina Tabakovic

Photographs by me.  Models: Julia & Sanna & tvillingarna som jag kallar för solstrålarna! ::) 

with love, 

sabina tabakovic

Death cannot kill what never dies.

Death cannot kill what never dies.

Photograhs by Sabina Tabakovic

Julia & Sanna 2012 by Sabina Tabakovic.

Wicked love story with Julia & Sanna by Sabina Tabakovic.

Death cannot kill what never dies.

Wicked love story with Julia & Sanna by Sabina Tabakovic.

Julia & Sanna 2012 by Sabina Tabakovic.

Julia & Sanna 2012 by Sabina Tabakovic.

Death cannot kill what never dies by Sabina Tabakovic.

Innanför alla lager finns evigheten.

Livet, människor, jorden, universum.

Alla våra kroppar kommer en dag sluta fungera.

Jag vill tro att själen är evig. Kärleken.

Lite magiskt ändå när man tänker på

hur märkligt allt är.  


with love, 

sabina tabakovic

I found this & fell in love.


The photo above is the first Vogue cover, Countess Divonne by Harry McVickar, 1893.

ca 1867 , author unknown.

ca.1874. unknown. (I could not find the author). 

Music sheet cover for The Orange Blossom, ca 1850

Music sheet cover for The Orange Blossom, ca 1850.

Disappointment  Julius LeBlanc Stewart  1882

Disappointment by Julius LeBlanc Stewart,1882.

Annie Londonderry.

This photography shows Annie Londonderry. She became one of the most celebrated women of the 1890s. Her amazing trip was reportedly set in motion by a wager that required Annie not only to circle the earth by bicycle in 15 months, but also to earn $5,000 en route as well. This was no mere test of a woman’s physical endurance & mental fortitude; it was a test of a woman’s ability to fend for herself in the world. I really love biking soo this old photograph is really inspiring. 

Lewis Carroll c. 1863

Lewis Carroll ca. 1863.

Girl With a Rose by Gustave Leonard de Jonghe, 1870’s-80’s

Girl With a Rose by Gustave Leonard de Jonghe, 1870.

Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione 1837-99 (La Castiglione.) She was the mistress of Emperor Napoleon III and the one of the earliest known “models.”

Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione 1837-99. She was the mistress of Emperor Napoleon III & one of the earliest known models.

Jules Lefebvre, Ophelia, 1890

Jules LefebvreOphelia, 1890.

William McFarlane Notman, Great cedar tree, Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, 1897

William McFarlane Notman, Great cedar tree, Stanley Park, Vancouver, BC, 1897.

I am so happy even if my life is a bit confused right now I am discovering what I really love & I will do my best to make everything around me beautiful again. <3  


sabina tabakovic