She is a ghost inside of your head.

Love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Photographs by me.

Med natten i ögonen & kallt regn längs din kind. Du lever. I alla världar.

Love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Have you ever lost someone that meant the world to you? I have. 

Love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Love Over Time by Sabina Tabakovic

Good night & good morning. 

The first two pictures are from my first night at the castle with my new friend Karin (she is such a wonderful woman). The last three pictures are self-portraits on a sunny sunday morning at the cemetery. 

I dag glittrade skuggan starkare än solen. Hoppas jag lever nästa sommar också! Denna är jag inte redo.

Jag slutar att andas. Varannan sekund.

Att leva på minnen. 

 Själslig svältkost…

with love, 

sabina tabakovic

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