The Magic sisters loved each other so much they forgot about reality.
Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic. Models: Sanna Messo & Julia Frej.
This is a story about loss, pain & everlasting friendship!
with love,
Sabina Tabakovic
The Magic sisters loved each other so much they forgot about reality.
Photographs by Sabina Tabakovic. Models: Sanna Messo & Julia Frej.
This is a story about loss, pain & everlasting friendship!
with love,
Sabina Tabakovic
Everything is written in the eye. Like stars in the universe I admire the story.
For a while I have been avoiding to shoot faces as much as I used to. I’ve used my photography more as my diary even while shooting others. Maybe I’ve been scared of something that is only in the eye to be seen.
Oh our secrets, soul & timeless beauty! We should look more into each other eyes. Even if we are strangers! Look deep & feel alive!
Faces has a story to tell & I am ready to continue what made me start this whole thing. Beautiful eyes! It’s just something magical about them!
I am looking for someone new,different, with kind eyes to shoot & as you know I am in love with beautiful hair…
Email me: info@sabinatabakovic.com
Sabina Tabakovic
I am always looking for unique faces! Send me your model application to: sabina@globalmodelscouting.com
To be continued…
with love,
Where did she come from? I think this is a proof of that fairytales do come true. No words are enough to describe the beauty of the Ulyana Sergenko Fall Collection A/W 2011. It is true. Fairytales do exist in reality too, not just in books & movies. Here are my favorites:
I love the length of the skirts & the with.
Look at the red buttons!
Ulyana is what the fashion world has been missing. Until now. <3
It would be a dream to photograph for her, somewhere. Someday. <3
See more pictures from the collection, here.